Learn how we broke free from our stressful corporate careers and travel the world while helping our clients succeed in their business.
No Rules, No Schedules, No Superiors, Just Freedom!
Register your interest above and we will send you the full blueprint video showing you how to build your digital marketing career and affiliate income in less than 90 days. Whether your ambition is to work for a top digital agency or as freelance digital expert the Kick Media university and support program will guide you all the way to the top.
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“Your Career with our Experts to Support You!”
As a student or affiliate for Kick Media University we can guide you to set up and brand your own full service digital agency or continue expanding your career working for top digital agencies. If you decide to work for an agency, freelance or even set up your own digital agency brand our community is here to support you. There is a large responsibility when managing a marketing budget and when things go wrong problem solving on your own can be a real challenge and risk. Imagine being the go to person in your workplace to fix issues and getting promotion after promotion. If you choose to be a digital nomad and travel the world it’s important that you have access to the latest education on new technologies, feature changes and optimisation techniques. We provide the skills and experience while you follow our paint by numbers system for generating and managing customers. Our team are always innovating new digital marketing techniques or learning the latest from other innovators around the world so that you can have your finger on the pulse.
“Earn thousands in weekly SEM and SEO management fees”
- from generating new clients,
- automating your weekly subscription income,
- setting up merchant facilities,
- accounting and book keeping (outsourced to phillipines),
- building your web and design team in phillipines to
- CRM methods for managing your client portfolio.
“Digital Nomad; it’s not all about travel”
• Is your daily commute wasting thousands of hours of your life?
• Always wanted to work where you want, when you want?
• Do you want the freedom to be your own boss?
• Do you want a business with unlimited earning potential?
• Are missing valuable time with your family?
• Is your life missing out on amazing experiences?
A life without risk is a life without adventure
I have friends who live life according to security and peace of mind. However this is just another False Emotion Appearing Real (FEAR). Real fear is not having the ability to adapt to change, and when change does happen the real fear begins. We all fear new challenges and experiences, but it’s the continued adventure into the uncomfortable that builds character and your strength to succeed. In doing so you will avoid the prolonged risks you are taking right now by not learning to adapt.
Life is too short to continue doing what you have always done. In every new city I visit, from Monday to Friday I see walking zombies coming in and out of large office buildings, the long commute, the penguin suit and tie, the unhappy miserable faces waiting at traffic lights, queuing for train tickets. I’m not trained in reading body language, but everywhere I go I see depressed zombie looking souls who have accepted their daily routine for the next 40 years.
We can’t help everyone, but we can help those who realise there is a better way, who realise that genuine opportunities do exist, and you just have to keep opening enough doors to find the right one. This is just another door, but it’s one worth entering and exploring.
After years of slaving away we now love our life. We get paid when we sleep, we get paid when we travel and we get paid sipping Pina Coladas on tropical beaches. When we do work, we are working on the business and not in it, we are building more clients, more marketing, more opportunities for others, all from exotic locations around the world.
The feeling of freedom can’t be fully explained or described, but when money is not an issue, when choices are infinite, and knowing that you will not regret having lived a more fulfilling life in your final hours, and you are truly grateful for every moment, then you will know the feeling of real joy and freedom.
How to get back your Freedom
If your high school teachers or University lecturers had told you, what your learning now will make sure you end up working 40 hours a week for 40 years, eventually ending up:
• Bored or bitter,
• Stressed or depressed,
• Over mortgaged or behind on bills,
• Just over broke (JOB) or drowning in debt,
• Hating your boss or making someone else rich
Would you still be excited about starting a new career?
The system you live in is not about giving you freedom, it’s about performing a function for society. You have no real choice unless you make some real changes.
The first step toward getting your freedom back is a change in your mindset. Often this starts with a paradigm shift in your expectations of what is possible, but this often won’t occur until you open your mind to possibilities and asking the right questions.
What does freedom mean to me?
Who can I model who has freedom?
Where can I learn of new opportunities?
Which opportunities can provide realistic results?
How can I learn from mistakes others have made?
How can I learn from success others have achieved?

10 criteria for the perfect lifestyle business
The sacrifice however was often a large amount of stress, working longer hours than your employees, enduring cash flow issues in bad times and the always present and unforgiving investment risk.
Growing up and witnessing how hard my parents worked just to experience “freedom” to me was a false idea of the definition of freedom.
Instead of listing poor choice business models, let’s focus on what are the ideal criteria for the perfect business model.

1. Has a subscription basis or a very high repeat purchase rate.
2. Low levels of stock or inventory to manage, but is product based.
3. Has over 100% profit margin or is highly time leveraged.
4. Can be easily replicated or automated with systems and training.
5. Has high tolerance to a financial crisis.
6. Can experience a high volume of referrals.
7. Doesn’t require a physical shop front or face-to-face interaction.
8. Can be operated or managed remotely over the Internet.
9. Can be expanded rapidly without a large capital investment.
10. Will always have consistent or growing demand that is future proofed.
“Massive demand that’s still increasing”
Every business needs digital marketing, but very few understand even the basics.Less than 30% of businesses actively promote themselves on the Internet leaving a massive audience of business owners who sooner or later will need our help. Some don’t know it yet and may be riding on the coat tales of a time when offline advertising was all that was needed. But soon enough increasing competition will mean a change is needed, and in most cases that change is digital marketing.
Each month we take on a client or two who has been in business 20+ years and only now realises the need to start doing digital. Over the next 5 years we anticipate that new online marketing technologies and increasing competition will force at least another 30% of businesses to begin advertising online.

“Marketing innovation is the next boom industry”
Google is also leading the race in marketing innovation; and it’s the next one we are most excited about. Ecommerce is taking to the streets, isles and shelves of any business that has product to sell. Think of Google street view but inside your retail shop. A person can literally walk the isles of your business and using pivot point photography inside your physical store, add to cart items that are literally on your shelves and purchase online.
Can I start a business without industry skills?
When I started learning Google AdWords over 10 years ago it was still developing as a new product for businesses owners to advertise online, but we were confident it would experience rapid growth and always be in demand. Learning this skill however proved difficult, so it was done the hard way. There were and still are no official schools or Universities that teach update to date digital strategies nor can they keep up with the rapidly changing technologies and techniques. It took several years of self-study, experimentation and on the job innovation. There were no teachers; we and our peers were the creators of various techniques now being commonly used and we haven’t stopped. Every month we and our industry peers are developing new ways of doing things and manipulating new technologies to help businesses owners succeed. If there were textbooks we would be the ones writing them.
Starting a digital agency isn’t easy if you don’t have the skills and experience, however as a Kick Media reseller you can now experience the benefits of a lucrative industry without needing all the skills developed over many years.
As you would buy a franchise system or hire individuals qualified in your industry, you don’t need the skills if your focus is building a business. Most people start businesses in industries they were trained in, yet this is what holds people back from choosing a business based on profit, time freedom and lifestyle. Starting a business is hard, so we have developed a system where you can learn from our mistakes and our success and cut through all the challenges, trial and error in an industry that is incredibly profitable and satisfying. We get paid very well because we can provide highly valued skills and outcomes that few business owners will ever be able to replicate.
Why Kick Media
We are a boutique digital agency using the latest marketing and tracking technologies, which means reporting and results are 100% transparent. With an extremely talented team of digital experts, we provide exceptional service evident by the fact most clients are still with us after 3 years. With a strong policy on honest and ethical advice we know Google advertising doesn’t work for all businesses, so you can be assured we will only service clients we are certain of results, which means satisfaction for your clients.
Meet our Team
Founder: Brendon Comerford
Meet Brendon, the founder and managing director of Kick Media. With over 11 years experience, Brendon has managed a number of digital agencies and worked for the largest global media agency on big data campaigns for some very large brands. He is constantly innovating new ideas and strategies using new marketing technologies for small business owners to succeed.

Meet the Management Team
Chris, Ana and Brendon

Meet the Production Team

Digital Manager

Digital Manager

AdWords Production

Copy Writer

Web Developer

Content Writer

Graphic Designer

Content Writer

Ecommerce Manager

Customer Relations
When money and lifestyle are no longer a challenge
Giving back or helping others succeed is the next hierarchy of needs once you have already achieved the level of income security needed to achieve your perfect lifestyle. For me it’s accruing assets from a high passive income (check), while I travel the world (check).
Now that is achieved and continuing, what’s next?
Anyone who suffers from perpetual entrepreneurial thinking will understand that you never stop creating, even after you are living your perfect lifestyle. I love travel but I also love building things. I have no trade skills so for me it’s business.
Kick Media is living proof of a system that works. We have mastered through years of trial and error, the perfect business model that will give you back time and financial freedom. Now it’s your turn.
My wife and I are at the stage in our lives where we can choose the next method of growth that is not only profitable but builds a financial vehicle to help others succeed.
We want others to short cut their way to success and freedom. We are choosing carefully those who not only have the drive to make it work, but are deserving of a better life.
If you have a burning desire to make massive change in your life, but are also wiling to take massive action to implement the changes, then we want to meet you. We want to know what values and aspirations drive you forward; we want to understand your motivations toward earning success.
If you have already achieved success in your career or another business, but now it’s time to choose a better opportunity that allows continued success with a lifestyle to match, then maybe we can help.
Contact me today and let’s have a chat to see if this could be your next opportunity and major life changing decision.

Drop in today for a
coffee and chat!
We love helping business
owners plan their future
marketing success.