SEO has become almost an artform, its the reason some sites languish on the back of page 3 and others rise to number 1 and get all the industries business. Depending on the amount of searches in your industry its the difference between hearing crickets and literally hundreds of phone calls per month.
whether your site is brand new or it has been languishing on the deep pages of google for quite a while now is the time to start working on your sites optimization and improve your visibility on the internet.
How Long Does SEO Take?
SEO times vary depending on competition that said most industries are currently taking take 6 to 12 months. To give a more accurate answer you can ask for a free no obligation SEO Audit from our team.
What Does SEO Cost
Again the cost of SEO is directly proportional to the competition. if your competitors are investing thousands on SEO and your only investing hundreds then your just not going to get anywhere. The good news is SEO has become quite transparent and unless the competitors tactics are extremely black hat so usign the latest SEO tools we can not only look at what optimizations your competitors are completing and even the velocity in which they are investing. which will help us identify the budget required to dominate your industry within a reasonable timeline.
Do you guarantee SEO.
It’s not ethical to guarantee what you cant control and although we can do industry leading SEO on your site we cant control what your competitors will do. We also cant guarantee that Google wont make changes however we have been more successful then any other agency at future proothing the SEO that we do. In the past this has meant each new algorithm update has improved the rankings of our clients. This is something that very few agencies can say.
Whats the difference between a good SEO Agency and a Bad One.
Most times the difference comes to two things, Education and Testing. Most agencies dont spend any time on education and testing and as a result they push out oudated SEO techniques to there clients sites and wonder aft 12 months why they havent made much progress. At Kick Media our staff spend a minimum of 4 hours per week keeping up to date with the latest techniques. We also test our techniques thoroughly on our own sites before ever touching a clients.
Whats the First Step.
The first step is always a comprehensive audit to identify the oppurtunities in your industry, analyse the competition and work out the timelines. Give our team a call today or fill out the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible to organise an audit.