Boost your local calls by 2x to 3x on

Google Map Listings?

With our Local Map Booster service you will have implemented everything required to give you the highest chance of being found in local map searches.

Ready to start driving more calls from Google Map Listings?

Request a Visibility & Local
Search Audit today.

    Local Map Booster

    Introducing the most powerful and only way to influence visibility on
    Google Map Listings

    Schema Markup

    (40 min for one page sped up in 2 minutes)

    >>View Video<<

    Social Fortress

    Google My Business


    Let buyers find you via SEO,
    Google Maps, Facebook,
    Youtube, Gmail, Display and
    Google Ads.

    Read More


    Analyse competitors and
    improve your website, build
    better sales pages, l
    ead magnets & promo offers

    Read More

    Strategy Planner

    Most businesses are growing or falling aimlessly without a clear marketing plan. We will design and implement your new marketing plan with 4 guided steps. Your entire marketing plan doesn’t need to be complex or hard to follow. Your business will transform if you follow our 4 step marketing process.


    Retarget site visitors and never
    be forgotten. Send drip feed email
    & SMS funnel sequences.

    Read More


    Analyse competitors and
    improve your website, build
    better sales pages, l
    ead magnets & promo offers.

    Read More

    Traditional SEO is dying for Local Businesses.

    “Google Map Listings are now generating more Calls for Local Business with higher ROI than SEO and Google Ads.
    Over 95% of businesses are NOT optimising their local map listings.”

    What does this mean for local businesses? HUGE OPPORTUNITY!
    We are so certain of this we Rock Solid Guarantee it!

    Did you know:

    “Nearly half of All Google Searches are to find Local Information”

    “97% of local searches are on Google Maps to Find a Local Business”

    Double or Triple Enquiries
    with Local Map Booster

    Get Started Now


    “Schema Markup is one of the most under optimised and over looked areas of SEO and local search engine optimisation. This is an amazing opportunity to stand out from the crowd.”

    What is Schema Markup?

    Schema Markup is additional code on each page that gives context needed by Google to understand more details about the content and the brand of each website. It associates your brand to social links, maps and additional information you often can’t fit into the design of the site. It is the number one way to get an instant boost in Google site and map rankings.

    Here’s why it’s so important for your clients:

    We tested 100 websites ranking in the top 3 positions for 33 competitive industries. Over 85% in the top 3 positions had detailed and optimised Schema Markup. Less than 30% below position 3 had optimised Schema and less than 5% of websites not on page one had optimised Schema. We also found the majority of websites ranking in Google Map Listings also had optimised Schema Markup.

    That means over 97% of websites NOT in the top 3 positions or NOT showing on Google Map Listings have either low detailed, missing or incorrect Schema Markup. Furthermore only 1% of websites had our level of advanced Schema Markup, including websites in the top 3 positions.

    This means a big opportunity for you to get an edge over your competitors on Google
    and could mean the difference between visibility or not on Google maps


    A Social Fortress is a web like infrastructure of 100’s of social profiles organised and linked in methodical ways to your Google Map Listings with Geo Tagged Images. It doesn’t get any more clever than thisand the results are amazing!”

    Citations (Social Fortress)

    This strategy starts with setting up and optimising up to 300 social profile sites to significantly increase your brand mentions across the internet.

    Each social profile contains information about your brand, your address, phone number and unique images. We then geo-tag and caption images to increase topical and geographical relevance to Google.

    Once built and optimised we then strategically link each social profile back to your website, Google My Business listing and where possible across other social platforms. This allows authority to pass between and through your profiles and at the same time through to your website.

    This increase in quality links and brand mention gives Google the perception of your business being a large brand and a real player in your local area.


    46% of all searches on Google are for local information,and 97% searched online to find a local business.


    Google My Business

    Is your Google My Business optimised for local search?

    Maybe you haven’t claimed your GMB listing yet or maybe you didn’t know there are things you can do to optimise your GMB listing.

    Here are things most people are not doing.

    • list-arrow Business Descriptions with more keywords
    • list-arrowAdd more unique images with geo tagged locations
    • list-arrowOptimise photo file names with keywords
    • list-arrowUpdate all business information available
    • list-arrowGoogle My Business posts (which expire every 7 days)

    And we have a few more tricks but we can’t tell you.

    It’s our secret

    One of the most important activites in optimising your Google My Business is …you guessed it. Google Reviews!

    How can we help you get more positive Google reviews?

    • list-arrowClient feedback questionnaires to find happy customers
    • list-arrowThen email happy customers requesting a review
    • list-arrowIf we can add incentives to encourage reviews even better.

    We manage this entire process for you so you can get on with what you do best.

     The most effective way to grow your Google Review customer fan base

    First step is Feedback. Would you ask an unhappy customer for a Google review?

    Next is avoid negative reviews. Be notified in real time who is unhappy so you can turn that frown upside down.

    Identifying your happiest customers and not asking for a referral could be a significant opportunity cost.

    Once we identify only your happiest customers we then ask them for a review on Google and Facebook. We also include a little social incentive to add some motivation.

    Are you ready to drive more calls from Google Map Listings?


    We are so confident in this strategy, If you don’t see a Minimum 30% increase in calls between month 5 and month 10 (year on year) we will refund everything 100% OR continue working for free, it’s your Choice.

    Month to Month No contracts.
    Signup online now to Get Started

    Only condition on our guarantees is you are actively using Heartbeat360 included in the cost of this program.


    We can only take one customer per industry per local area.

    $950 Once Off Setup Fee
    $550 Per Month

    Online Signup